Bullwinkle Lee

Lee of the Day: A History

Now we are talking!
This Lee was suggested by Chelsea Shriver, and was possibly the greatest to date, but was she happy?
She pointed out that her suggestion stated, ‘Rocky and Bullwinkle Lee’, so therefore it was only half as good as possible.
Thus the next Lee.

Redneck Lee

Lee of the Day: A History

<image has been lost>
He’s got greasy hands and a mullet.
I guess that makes Uncle Jesse a redneck too.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Lee

Lee of the Day: A History

This was the first Lee sent out under the title of ”Lee of the Day”.
The premise was that when you get the Lee, to make a suggestion for tomorrow and one of the many suggestions would become the Lee of tomorrow.
This worked out for about 6 days and then the suggestions stopped coming in.
Did I take this as a sign that the people wanted the Lees to cease from production?